Auburn University Libraries
Auburn University Libraries
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Featured Rare Book
A Nievve Herball, or, Historie of Plantes, by Rembert Dodoens, 1578.
This book is the first English edition of Rembert Dodoens' landmark herbal Cruydeboeck published in 1554. Rembert Dodoens was a renowned Flemish botanist active in the late 16th century and this comprehensive herbal, or compendium of plants, is considered his most important work.
Welcome from the Dean
Welcome to Auburn University Libraries and War Eagle!
The Auburn University Libraries consist of one main library, Ralph Brown Draughon Library, and two branch libraries, the Library of Architecture, Design and Construction and the Cary Veterinary Medical Library. The Ralph Brown Draughon Library has more than 4,800 study seats and is open during all the most popular study hours seven days a week during fall and spring semesters to maximize access opportunities for busy students.
AU Libraries strives to offer the latest collections and technology to allow you to thoroughly research any topic, and then present that research in a manner that is sure to impress. The AU Libraries’ workshops will help you learn to get the most from the tools you’re given – and Auburn provides many tools.
The Circulation Desk is the place that many visits to the library start and end. You can check out books, laptop computers or reserve items.
The Research and Instruction department is filled with subject specialist librarians that cover every subject taught at AU. They can help make your research both more efficient and thorough. Book a consultation by contacting the librarian that covers your subject. Faculty may also arrange for Information Literacy instruction for their classes. And on the rare occasion we don’t have a recommended research item in our 7.5 million volume collection, the Interlibrary Loan department can often obtain it from the numerous other research libraries in our lending network.
When it comes time to present your project, the Innovation and Research Commons (I&RC) can help you present it with a myriad of media to make your project unforgettable. The I&RC can offer help with the Adobe Creative Cloud that is provided free to all students. The I&RC also has tech lending to let you use the latest equipment to prepare your project. The I&RC MakerSpace includes 3D printing, laser cutting, electronics benches, sewing machines, and wood cutting. Also in the I&RC is a Virtual Reality lab and full-featured audio and video editing suite, while the large-format printing and scanning make producing posters easy.
It is impossible to tell you all the things that AU Libraries can do to enrich your Auburn experience here, so I encourage you to explore our website and discover all the ways that we can help you. And should you need to talk to us about any problem or great experience you’ve had at the AU Libraries, please contact us.
Dr. Shali Zhang
Dean of Libraries