Electrical Engineering Oral History Interviews, Part of RG 755

Date: 8-19-1999

Date Span: 1981-1984

Scope / Content: Oral histories and tapes of lectures concerning Electrical Engineering issues and people in the Auburn area.

SERIES 1:  Interviews with John Herbert Orr, pioneer in developing magnetic tape for audio and video recording, and various associates, conducted by Carl Voelcker.

BPH Tape 38, No. 1 Orr, John Herbert.
Pioneer in developing magnetic tape for audio and video recording.
December 1, 1981, and February 21, 1984.
90 Minutes
Orr discusses his work with recording tape in Europe during World War II and after the war in the United States with OrRadio, which Ampex, Inc., later acquired.

BPH Tape 38, No. 2 Hard, Herbert.

Research Chemist associated with john Herbert Orr after World War II.
March 6, 1984.
90 Minutes
Hard discusses his association with Orr in the development of magnetic recording tape.

BPH Tape 38, No. 3 Welch, Nataniel.

Financial backer and associate of Orr after World War II.
April 2, 1984.
30 Minutes
Welch discusses his association with Orr in developing magnetic recording tape.

BPH Tape 38, No. 4 Brassell, William E.

Employed by Orr after World War II.
April 3, 1984
30 Minutes
Brassell discusses his work with Orr.

BPH Tape 38, No. 5 McLain, Francis.

Associate of Orr's during World War II.
September 21, 1983
30 Minutes
McLain, a British officer with the Psychological Warfare Division during World War II, discusses his association with Orr.

SERIES 2:  Lectures concerning Electrical Engineering at Auburn University.

Lectureship Tape 14:  Honnell, Martian A., Professor.
Distinguished Faculty Lecturer
November 10, 1976
60 Minutes
Honnell discusses his career as an EE educator.

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