Photographs from
Mickey Logue and Jack Simms, 
Auburn: The Loveliest Village Collection, RG 798

Selected images and captions from Mickey Logue and Jack Simms, Auburn: A Pictorial History of  The Loveliest Village, 2nd edition (Auburn, Ala.:  s.n., 1996), that illustrate the history of the city and campus.

Copies of Auburn:  A Pictorial History of the Loveliest Village can be purchased from your local bookstore or by writing to Auburn Picotrial History, P.O. Box 1891, Auburn, Alabama 36831-1891

 Page 6 of 7.

Sports Arena, n.d.

Deans Katherine Cater and Jim Foy, 1967

Coach Joel Eaves, 1960

Harold Franklin on way to first class, 1964

Gov. George Wallace installs Dr. Harry Philpott as AU president, 1966

Pres. Philpott hosts then-Gov. Jimmy Carter and Ms. Rosalynn Carter, 1970 

Ms. Elanor Richey, AU benefactrice, and her dogs

Strike Day, 1970

Toni Tennille sings with the Auburn Knights

"The Bear" and "Shug," 1972

Pat Sullivan and Terry Beasley, ca. 1971 

Streaker and onlookers, 1974

AUM graduates the AU system's 100,000th student

Champion swimmer Rowdy Gains, 1980

Rolling Toomer's Corner, 1985

Bo Jackson, over the top, 1982

Brother Jed Smock, 1979

Wreck Tech Pajama Parade, ca 1950s 

AU Gospel Choir in Washington, DC, 1988

Frank Thomas, ca 1989

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