As the largest student employer on campus, Auburn University Libraries employ undergrad-uate and graduate students who provide the bulk of library services to patrons. For the more than 150 student employees, this work is a significant part of funding their education, and for some, it makes attending Auburn possible.

A new Auburn Libraries scholarship program will reward hard-working student em-ployees and give them the resources they need to reach their academic goals. Philanthropic support will make this a reality.

Student Story – Recipient of Scholarship

Kyle Sullivan works in the Circulations Department’s courier service at Ralph Brown Draughon Library approximately 15 hours each week. Being a working student, Kyle has learned a great deal about time management, a skill that has transferred readily to his studies in the College of Business where he is a Finance major.

The Marcia L. and Timothy R. Boosinger Endowed Scholarship has meant a great deal to Kyle and his goal of a college education.

“My parents help me as much as they can, but without student loans and scholarships that I obtain, I would not be able to attend Auburn,” said Kyle. “My parents have had to make several trips to M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston, Texas, for my dad’s appendix cancer. The cost of their trips have made it harder for them to support my educational expenses, but it is not their responsibility.” (get permission to share online)

In addition to his work with the Libraries, Kyle has been working another job at the Yarborough Tennis Center. This creates a fine balancing act for Kyle, but also provides him the opportunity to grow in his work skills.

“I have learned what it is like to manage and maintain a quality GPA and social life,” said Kyle. “Working at the library has provided ample opportunity to be able to improve group working skills. Being a courier allows me to work with departments all over campus. This improves my speaking skills as well as public relations skills due to continuing working with different people.”

When asked about what he’ll take from his experiences at the Libraries, Kyle replied, “Working at the library means so much to me. It has given me friends that I would not have had without working here as well as provided real-world job experience and how to maintain work and school.”

student workers

Last updated: 12/20/2024