Archive for December, 2012

December 5, 2012

The LADC is preparing to close for renovations over the semester break. All of the journals are boxed and located upstairs, their shelves have been removed, and the reference collection is also boxed up. Reference & video collections will be moved into the gallery beginning Dec. 7. The slide collection is being moved over to the main library for storage. These items are still available for use, though not in their traditional places on the shelf, so please don't hesitate to ask us for help finding materials this week.

We are open for extended hours this week for finals, and have kept study tables and chairs available downstairs. The LADC will close for renovations at the end of the day Friday, December 7 and reopen on Thursday, January 3.

Faculty, staff or students needing items from the LADC between December 8 and December 19 should contact LADC staff through email at or via telephone 334-844-7849. We will pull requested materials from LADC and bring them to RBD Library each business day beginning December 10. Patrons will be notified when their items are ready for pick-up at RBD Library’s circulation desk.

Access to LADC materials will be unavailable when the University is closed between December 20 and January 2.

Here are a couple of photos showing preparation for Phase II of the renovation:

Photo of renovation preparation upstairs and downstairs

Upstairs (full of journals from downstairs)      &      Downstairs (packed up and emptying out)

Posted by Angelina Smith | in Renovation, Service |