Archive for March, 2014

March 25, 2014


PRAXIS, a journal of writing and building, is a journal new to the LADC collection [Link to the catalog record]. PRAXIS connects both the theory and practice of architecture and focuses on issues in contemporary design [see the PRAXIS website here]. This journal is released twice a year and has been in circulation since 1999.

The current issue, number 14, is titled True Stories. The editors are labeling it a "special" issue since they gave up most of their control over the issue and gave free reign to the contributors of PRAXIS. The issue contains a comic titled Remember the Nelsons by Wes Jones, a story of fiction Rainy Sea by Keith Mitnick and a film titled Platform for Architecture: Makin' It...a Situation Comedy as well as other interesting stories. Several of the authors included in this issue have books in our collection; Keith Mitnick, Julia McMorrough and Reinhold Martin [click on the author's name to go to the books we have in our collection] if you are interested in viewing other works by these contributors.

To view this journal please look for it on the current periodical shelving in the LADC.

Posted by Angelina Smith | in New |

March 18, 2014

LADC currently has an exhibit displayed on the wall where we usually display New books so they have been moved temporarily to the table in front of the Reference section.  Please come browse our New book selection.

PowerPoint Presentation

Posted by Angelina Smith | in Exhibits & Displays |

March 7, 2014

 The LADC will be open restricted hours during the week of Spring Break.

Saturday, March 8 and Sunday, March 9 - CLOSED

Monday, March 10 -Friday, March 14 - 8:00 am-5:00 pm

Saturday, March 15 - CLOSED

Sunday, March 16 - 1:00 pm-12:00 am

Posted by Angelina Smith | in Hours |

March 6, 2014


RSMeans Commercial Renovation Cost Data 2014


Visual Grammar

Visual Grammar



Unimark International : the Design of Business and the Business of Design


Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter : Designing for Civil Defense in the Cold War


A Question of Quality

A Question of Qualities : Essays in Architecture


The Garden District of New Orleans-resized

The Garden District of New Orleans



Dirr's Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs


Barns of NY-resized

Barns of New York : Rural Architecture of the Empire State

Posted by Angelina Smith | in Monthly New Books, New, New Arrivals |