Archive for July, 2014

July 1, 2014

Material Revolution-WP

Material Revolution : Sustainable and Multi-Purpose Materials for Design and Architecture

Gustave Stickley-WP

Gustav Stickley


Proceedings : Materiality, Essence + Substance


Routledge Handbook-WP

The Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South

Refining Designs for Business-WP

Refining Design for Business : Using Analytics, Marketing, and Technology to Inform Customer-Centric Design



Process : Material and Representation in Architecture

Planning and Designing-WP

Planning and Designing Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes



Pastel : New Light-Toned Graphics

Opening Spaces-WP

Opening Spaces : Design as Landscape Architecture


Human Factors in the Built Environment-WP

Human Factors in the Built Environment

Designing Relationships-WP

Designing Relationships : the Art of Collaboration in Architecture


Design Incubator-WP

Design Incubator : a Prototype for New Design Practice

American City X-WP

American City X : Syracuse After the Master Plan


After You Left-WP

After You Left,They Took it Apart : (demolished Paul Rudolph homes)


Architecture 3.0 : the Disruptive Design Practice Handbook


3D Printing-WP

3D Printing for Artists, Designers and Makers

Burn Your Portfolio-WP

Burn Your Portfolio : Stuff They Don't Teach You in Design School, But Should


Design Energy Simulation-WP

Design Energy Simulation for Architects : Guide to 3D Graphics

Green Building Illustrated-WP

Green Building Illustrated


Historical Ground-WP

Historical Ground : the Role of History in Contemporary Landscape Architecture

Innovative Technologies in Urban Mapping-WP

Innovative Ttechnologies in Urban Mapping : Built Space and Mental Space


International Facilities Managment-WP

International Facility Management

Landscape Architecture-WP

Landscape Architecture : an Introduction


Materials and Design-WP

Materials and Design : the Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design

Materials for Design-WP

Materials for Design


Prototype : Design and Craft in the 21st Century


The Art of Product Design-WP

The Art of Product Design : Changing How Things Get Made

David Chipperfield Architects-WP

David Chipperfield Architects


Modern Construction Envelopes-WP

Modern Construction Envelopes

A Legend of Modernism-WP

Oscar Niemeyer : eine Legende der Moderne = a Legend of Modernism


Concept Design 2-WP

Concept Design 2 : Works from Seven Los Angeles Entertainment Designers and Seventeen Guest Designers




Sketching : Drawing Techniques for Product Designers


Beautiful Evidence-WP

Beautiful Evidence


Quantative Information-WP

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

Visual Explanations-WP

Visual explanations : images and quantities, evidence and narrative


Innovation, Strategy, and Risk-WP

Innovation, Strategy and Risk in Construction: Turning Serendipity into Capability





Visual Acoustics-WP

Visual Acoustics the Modernism of Julius Shulman

Posted by Angelina Smith | in Monthly New Books, New, New Arrivals |