The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice
Rural Studio at Twenty : Designing and Building in Hale County, Alabama
Chinese City and Regional Planning Systems
The Gypsum Construction Handbook
Volumes 1-4 of Interior Design and Architecture : Critical and Primary Sources
Lighting : Interior and Exterior
Project Management for Construction
101 Design Methods : a Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization
Architects of Little Rock, 1833-1950
The Architecture of Paul Rudolph
BIM Demystified : an Architect's Guide to Building Information Modelling
Communicating the New : Methods to Shape and Accelerate Innovation
New Orleans Under Reconstruction : the Crisis of Planning
Pavilions and Gardens of Venice Biennale
Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design : Linking Theory and Practice for Sustainable Cities
Romanesque Architecture : the First Style of the European Age
The Sketchnote Handbook : the Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking
GAD : Global Architectural Development
Housing+ : on Thresholds, Transitions, and Transparencies
Success by Design : the Essential Business Reference for Designers
Chávez Ravine a Los Angeles Story
Design e² the Economies of Being Environmentally Conscious
Sprawling from Grace the Consequences of Suburbanization