100 contemporary brick buildings v. 1
100 contemporary brick buildings v. 2
Afghanistan : preserving historic heritage
Albert Frey and Lina Bo Bardi : a search for living architecture
Architecture and the forest aesthetic : a new look at design and resilient urbanism
Building construction cost data
Designing disability : symbols, space, and society
Destination architecture : the essential guide to 1000 contemporary buildings
Embodied energy and design : making architecture between metrics and narratives
Form Follows Energy : using natural forces to maximize performance
Garden city : supergreen buildings, urban skyscapes and the new planted space
Human factors in the built environment
2018 ICCPC: International Code Council Performance Code for Buildings and Facilities
Imminent commons : commoning cities : Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017
Imminent commons : the expanded city
Ingenious : product design that works
2018 IRC : international residential code for one- and two-family dwellings
Irish Architecture : the Riai annual review
The continuous city : fourteen essays on architecture and urbanization
Marble halls : beaux-arts classicism and civic architecture in the Gilded Age
Mass timber : design and research
Metamorphism : material change in architecture
Modernism as memory : building identity in the Federal Republic of Germany
Nomadic homes : architecture on the move
Notations : diagrams & sequences
On accident : episodes in architecture and landscape
Pictures of the floating microcosm : new representations of Japanese architecture
Plan graphics for the landscape designer : with section-elevation and computer graphics
Preston Scott Cohen : Taiyuan Museum of Art
Public spaces and urbanity : how to design humane cities
Radical : 50 arquitecturas Latinoamericanas
Robbrecht en Daem : an architectural anthology
Eero Saarinen, 1910-1961 : a structural expressionist
Screenprinting : the ultimate studio guide, from sketchbook to squeegee
Space packed : the architecture of Alfred Neumann
Sustainable buildings and infrastructure : paths to the future
Tadao Ando : the colours of light
Tall buildings : a strategic design guide
Tehran : life within walls : a city, its territory, and forms of dwelling
TEN Arquitectos : lines of investigation = líneas de investigación
Ten principles for good design : Dieter Rams : the Jorrit Maan collection
The architecture reference + specification book : everything architects need to know every day
The complete Zaha Hadid : expanded and updated
The lithic garden : nature and the transformation of the medieval church
The maker revolution : building a future on creativity and innovation in an exponential world
The Model as Performance : Staging Space in Theatre and Architecture
The New landscape declaration : a call to action for the twenty-first century
University trends : contemporary campus design