A New History of Modern Architecture
Architecure's Odd Couple: Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson
An Avant-Garde Journal of Art, Architecture, Design, and Film
Cities of the Global South Reader
Colonialism and Modern Architecture in Germany
Contractor's Pricing Guide: Residential Repair and Remodeling Costs
Convenience Stores and Retail Fuel Properties : Essential Appraisal Issues
Design-Build: Design-Build Essentials
Great Houses of Havana: A Century of Cuban Style
Icelandic Lessons : Industrial Landscape
Mies van der Rohe: Interior Spaces
Nordic Modernism : Scandinavian Architecture, 1890-2015
Reporting from the Front: Biennale Architeturra 2016
Scarcity in Excess: The Built Environment and Economic Crisis in Iceland
Seizing Jerusalem: The Architectures of Unilateral Unification
Sejima Kazuyo + Nishizawa Ryūe / SANAA : works 1995-2003
Self Storage Economics and Appraisal
Simplified Structural Analysis and Design for Architects
Site Work & Landscape Costs with RSMeans Data
Skyscraper Gothic: Medieval Style and Modernist Buildings
A Sustainable Bodega and Hotel: John Spence, Patrick Bellew, and Andy Bow
The Anatomy of the Architectural Book
The Design Way: Intentional Change in an Unpredictable World
The Oxford Companion to Architecture
Tragic Design : the Impact of Bad Product Design and How to Fix It
Valuation and Market Studies for Affordable Housing
Who's Afraid of Architecture: Take One, Venezia