Auburn University Libraries recently subscribed to Material ConneXion's online Materials Database, which can be used to access information on over 6,500 materials for design, building, and manufacturing. Material ConneXion focuses on collecting the most advanced, innovative, and sustainable materials from around the world.
Materials in the database are categorized by their composition (polymer, natural, metal, glass, etc.). They can be searched by keyword, manufacturer, or country. With Advanced Search, you can narrow your search by selecting physical properties (such as translucent, flexible, or good impact resistance), usage (fire resistant, outdoor use, acoustics, etc.), sustainability (non-toxic, recycled, etc.), or processing (weldable, printable, etc.).
Here's the link: AU Libraries' portal to Material ConneXion.
You can also get into the Material ConneXion database through the LADC's home page, Under "Search for E-Resources," click on "databases", and you'll find the link to Material ConneXion under M.