New Architecture on Indigenous Lands
Green Building Cost Data 2013
Sunburnt: Landscape Architecture in Australia
Geo/Graphics : simple form graphics in print and motion
Pedestrian Modern: Shopping and American Architecture, 1925-1956
Understanding Building Failures
Morphosis: Buildings and Projects, v. 2 & v. 3
Alvar Aalto: Between Humanism and Materialism
Second Nature: The Biomimicry Evolution
All Over the Map: Writing on Buildings and Cities
Planning in the USA: Policies, Issues, and Processes
Build Your Own Brand: Strategies, Prompts and Exercises for Marketing Yourself
Architecture, Astronomy, and Sacred Landscape in Ancient Egypt
The design book : 1000 new designs for the home and where to find them
Architecture and Urbanism in Modern Korea
Building Ideas: an architectural guide to the University of Chicago
Essential Readings in Urban Planning
Graphic Designer's Color Handbook
Illustrated Codes for Designers: Residential
Illustrated Codes for Designers: Non-Residential
Local Planning: Contemporary Principles & Practice
Pedestrian- & transit-oriented design
The Elements of Typographic Style
Too much magic : wishful thinking, technology, and the fate of the nation
Type player 2 : type as experiment, type as image