This Is Auburn Auburn University Libraries Newspapers - Alabama

Dallas Newspapers

Alabama Watchman [electronic resource].
Location: AU Electronic Resource
Call No: Online
Notes: Access is via ID, with unlimited simultaneous users.
Holdings: Aug 8, 1820
Online: Link to resource
American whig [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Jan. 7, 1826
Baptist pioneer [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Apr.1, 1882.
Cahawba press and Alabama intelligencer [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: 1819:Dec. 17-1820:Jan. 30
Chattanooga daily rebel [electronic resource].
Location: AU Electronic Resource
Call No: Online
Notes: Access is via ID, with unlimited simultaneous users.
Holdings: Aug 9, 1862 - Aug 4, 1863 (scattered issues)
Online: Link to resource
Daily Mississippian [electronic resource].
Location: AU Electronic Resource
Call No: Online
Notes: Access is via ID, with unlimited simultaneous users.
Holdings: Nov. 14, 1861-Nov. 11, 1862, Apr. 2, 1863-Nov. 24, 1865 (scattered issues)
Online: Link to resource
Daily Selma reporter [electronic resource].
Location: AU Electronic Resource
Call No: Online
Notes: Access is via ID, with unlimited simultaneous users.
Holdings: Jan. 19, 1865 - Jan. 28, 1865 (scattered issues)
Online: Link to resource
Independent [microfilm]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Jan. 21, 1888 on reel with The Selma Cyclone
Holdings: v.4:no.38 (Jan. 21, 1888)
Morning times [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Southern Courier.
Holdings: May 21, 1881
Selma [dollar] times [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Jan. 12, 1875-Dec. 29, 1880
Selma cyclone [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: 1888 (Feb. 23, Mar. 1, May 3, July 12, July 19, July 25,
Holdings: Aug. 2, Aug. 9, Aug. 16, Sept. 6, Sept. 13, Sept. 20,
Holdings: Oct. 18, Oct. 29)
Selma press [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v.1 (1869)-v.3 (1871)
Selma sun-post [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Southern Courier.
Holdings: May 3, 10, 17, 1972
Selma times-journal [print/microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Subscription Cancelled.
Holdings: 1927, Sept. 1941-Apr. 1942, 1943 (May-Aug.), 1946
Holdings: (Sept.-Dec.), 1948 (Jan.-Apr.), Jan. 1950-Aug. 1973,
Holdings: 1974, 1982, Mar. 1984-1995
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Newspaper Room
Notes: Library retains latest three months only.
Location: Alabama Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: folio F 334 .S4 S44
Holdings: Selma and the Black Belt (July 26, 1992)
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Jan.29, 1948
Southern argus [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: June 16, 1869-June 4, 1874
Last updated: 03/31/2023