Lee Newspapers
Arm [print] /
Location: Alabama Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: folio E 185.5 .A75
Holdings: 1970 (Mar.-May)
Auburn [print].
Location: Auburn University Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: folio LH 1 .A4 A8
Holdings: v.1 (1976)
Auburn bulletin [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: 1968:Feb. 8-v.47:no.42 (1983:Nov. 16)
Auburn gazette [microform/print]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v.2:no.14 (1853:May 27), v.3:no.1 (1854:Feb. 17)
Location: Treasure Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: F 334 .A9 A896
Holdings: v.2:no.14 (1853:May 27), v.3:no.1 (1854:Feb. 17)
Auburn plainsman [print/microform].
Location: Auburn Special Collections (Grnd Flr) - Current Issues
Call No: Shelved alphabetically by title
Location: Treasure Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: folio LH 1 .A4 P2
Notes: v.104 no.27-35 (June-Aug. 1998) bound with previous title: Plainsman
Holdings: v.104:no.27 (1998:June.15)-v.116:no.28 (2009/2010)
Holdings: v.117:no.1(2010:Aug.26)-v.117:no.38 (2011:July 28)
Holdings: v.118:no.1 (2011:Aug.25)-v.118:no.29 (2012:Apr.26)
Holdings: v.119:no.1 (2012:May 17)-.119:no.36 (2013:Apr.25)
Holdings: v.120 (2013/14)
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: 1998:June-2006:July
Holdings: 2006:Feb.-2007:July
Holdings: 2007:Aug.-2008:July
Holdings: 2008:Aug.-2010:Apr.
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Aug. 18, 2004-Feb. 10 2005, Feb. 17, 2005-July 28 2005
Holdings: Feb. 15 2006-Mar. 16 2007, Mar. 22-July 26 2007
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Aug. 18, 2004-Feb. 10 2005, Feb. 17, 2005-July 28 2005
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: 1998:June-2006:July
Holdings: 2006:Feb.-2007:July
Holdings: 2007:Aug.-2008:July
Holdings: 2008:Aug.-2010:Apr.
Holdings: 2013:May 2 2014:Apr.24
Holdings: 2014:May 22-2015:Apr. 30
Holdings: 2015:Aug. 13-2016:Apr. 28
Auburn plainsman [print/microform].
Location: Treasure Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: folio LH 1 .A4 P2
Holdings: v.26 (1922/1923)-v.103 (1996/1997)
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Auburn Plainsman.
Holdings: 1922-1997:Aug.
Location: Auburn RBD Library
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Auburn Plainsman.
Holdings: 1922:Nov.7-1997:Aug.
Auburn villager [print].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Newspaper Room
Call No: newspaper
Eagle [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Auburn Bulletin.
Holdings: 1983-1990:Mar.
Lee County bulletin [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Call No: microfilm Filmed with and filed under: Auburn Bulletin.
Holdings: v.1:no.1 (1937:Feb. 11)-v.32 (1968:Feb. 1)
Lee County eagle [print/microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Newspaper Room
Notes: Filed under: Auburn Bulletin
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Auburn Bulletin.
Holdings: 1990 (Inc.), 1991-1999
Opelika Democrat [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 8, 1887)-Aug. 27, 1890
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Mar. 28, 1889-Aug. 27, 1890
Opelika daily news [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Jan. 4, 1947-Aug. 29, 1969 filed under: Opelika-Auburn News.
Holdings: May 4, 1904-Aug. 29, 1969
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Southern Courier.
Holdings: Jan. 2, 1905, Dec. 26, 1907, Nov. 21, 1921, May 29-31, 1924, Jan. 23, 1926, Aug. 1, 1927, Mar.12, 1931
Opelika daily times [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Apr. 14, 1874-June 18, 1874
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: April 14, 1874-June 18, 1874
Opelika eagle. [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v.1 (1947:May)-v.3 (1950:Aug.)
Holdings: Lacking: Jan. 26 and Feb. 23 1950
Opelika free press and east Alabamian [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Southern Courier.
Holdings: Aug. 22, 1930
Opelika industrial news. [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v.1, no.2 (Sept. 18, 1890)-v.15, no.41 (May 27, 1904)
Opelika leader [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 30, 1878)-Aug. 15, 1878,
Holdings: Jan. 8, 1880-June 10, 1880
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Southern Courier.
Holdings: May 30, 1878
Location: Treasure Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: folio F 334 .O6 O66
Holdings: v.1:no.1 (1878:Jan.30)-v.1:no.18 (1878:May 30),
Holdings: v.1:no.20 (1878:June 13)-v.1:no.47 (1878:Dec.19)
Opelika locomotive [print].
Location: Treasure Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: F 334 .O6 O664
Holdings: v.4:no.47 (1872:Dec.:4) only [2 sheets]
Opelika morning post [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Southern Courier.
Holdings: Jan.5-6. Feb.9, Mar.6, July 23, Nov.1, 1989
Opelika observer [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Library has scattered issues from Oct. 17, 1872 - Dec. 1881
Opelika observer [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: Jan. 6, 1876-Dec. 24, 1881
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Southern Courier.
Holdings: Oct.12, 1882
Opelika post [microform].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v.1, no.1 (Sept. 28, 1894)-v.14, no.35 (May 29, 1908)
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Southern Courier.
Holdings: Sept. 28, Oct. 12, 19, Dec. 14, 1894
Holdings: Jan. 4, 11, 18, 21, Mar.15, 1895
Holdings: July 2, 1898
Holdings: Oct. 27, 1899
Holdings: Mar. 9, June 13, 1900
Holdings: Jan. 2, May 1, 1903
Opelika semi-weekly Democrat [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v. 2, no. 1 (June 18, 1889)-Aug. 27, 1890
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: June 18, 1889-Aug. 27, 1890
Opelika times [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: May 19, 1877-Feb. 22, 1878,
Holdings: June 5, 1885-Mar. 6, 1886
Location: Treasure Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: folio F 334 .O6 O68
Holdings: v.8:no.42 (1882:Jan.6)-v.8:no.47 (1882:Feb.10),
Holdings: v.8:no.49 (1882:Feb.24)-v.8:no.52 (1882:Mar.17)
Holdings: v.9:no.1 (1882:Mar.24)-v.9:no.40 (1882:Dec.22),
Holdings: v.9:no.46 (1883:Feb.2)-v.9:no.52 (1883:Mar.16)
Holdings: v.10:no.1 (1883:Mar.23)-v.10:no.18 (1883:July 20),
Holdings: v.10:no.20 (1883:Aug.3)-v.10:no.41 (1883:Dec.28)
Opelika union [electronic resource].
Location: AU Electronic Resource
Call No: Online
Notes: Access is via ID, with unlimited simultaneous users.
Holdings: June 1, 1865
Online: Link to resource
Opelika weekly times [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: June 25, 1874-May 12, 1877
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: June 25, 1874-May 12, 1877
Opelika-Auburn news [print].
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Call No: microfilm
Holdings: 1969:Mar.-Dec. 2018
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Newspaper Room
Notes: Current issues replaced by digital microfilm.
People's choice [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: 1894-1898 (Scattered issues)
Plainsman [print/microform].
Location: Treasure Collection - (Grnd Flr) - Non-Circulating
Call No: folio LH 1 .A4 P2
Notes: v.103 no.33 (Aug.21, 1997) bound with previous title: Auburn Plainsman.
Holdings: v.103:no.33 (1997:Aug.14)-v.104:no.26 (1998:May 28)
Location: Auburn RBD Library
Call No: Shelved alphabetically by title
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Auburn Plainsman.
Holdings: 1997:Sept.-1998:May
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Notes: Filmed with and filed under: Auburn Plainsman.
Holdings: 1997:Aug.14-1998:May28
Times [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v.12:no.5 (1886:Mar. 10)-Dec. 31, 1887
Weekly observer [microform]
Location: Auburn RBD Library (1st Floor) - Microfilm Newspaper Coll.
Holdings: v.1:no.1 (1872:Oct.)-v.1:no.22 (1873:Mar.)